
Hi, I'm Roger, a freelance fullstack developer with over 23 years of experience. I love building and improving digital projects.

Whether you're starting a new project or need to enhance an existing one, I'm here to help.

My tech stack

  • React
    • Remix
    • Next.js
  • Vue
  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • GraphQL
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Golang
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • SQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • SQLite
    • CockroachDB
    • NeonDB
    • AWS RDS
    • AWS DynamoDB
  • Infrastructure
    • Vercel
    • Railway
    • AWS
    • GCP
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Twilio
  • Headless
    • Directus
    • Strapi
    • Sanity
    • Wordpress
    • Shopify
  • And more...

What I Can Do For You

Website Development

Crafting high-quality, responsive websites tailored to your business needs. Leveraging modern technologies like React and Remix or Next.js, I build sites that are fast, SEO-friendly, and provide an exceptional user experience.

Web Application Development

Building robust and scalable web applications using the latest front-end technologies. With a strong focus on performance and usability, I use React, TypeScript, and other modern tools to create applications that meet your specific requirements and deliver value to your users.

Mobile Application Development

Creating engaging mobile applications using React Native or ionic. Whether you need a standalone app or want to extend your web application to mobile, I can deliver a solution that provides a seamless user experience across devices.

Design System Creation

Developing comprehensive design systems that ensure consistency across your digital products. This includes defining reusable components, styles, and UX patterns, making it easier to maintain and evolve your applications over time.

Infrastructure Design and Optmization

I can help diagnose bottlenecks in your current infrastructure and databases and help optimize them for best performance. I work with all databases and hosting services.

Other Services

I can also help you with: landing page, e-commerce website, desktop application, performance optimization, code review, refactoring, and more. ✌️

What I value

Asynchronous Work

I believe in the power of focused, uninterrupted work. I prefer to communicate asynchronously to maintain productivity and efficiency.

Minimal Meetings

I value time and efficiency, so I aim to keep meetings to a minimum. When they are necessary, I ensure they are focused and productive.

Clear and Honest Communication

I believe in transparency and open dialogue. I'll always keep you informed about project progress and any challenges that arise.

High-Quality Work

I prioritize on delivering work of the highest quality. I believe that thoughtful, well-executed projects are key to achieving the best results.

Fast Delivery

I understand the importance of timelines and strive to deliver projects promptly without compromising on quality


I aim to write efficient and maintainable code to ensure the long-term viability of the projects I work on.