Hi, I’m Roger Stringer, a full-stack software engineer, writer, speaker, and foodie.

Hi, I’m Roger Stringer, a full-stack software engineer, writer, speaker, and foodie.

I’m Roger Stringer, and I’m a full-stack software engineer, writer, speaker, and foodie in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.

I’m also a dad, music lover, film buff, comic book collector, camper, and foodie. I spend my spare time building things, doing fun stuff with my daughter, camping in our 1999 Honda Stepwagon, and cooking up new recipes to post on here.

This blog is where I write and share. You will see everything from posts about tech and design, reviews, and food.

I originally started this blog back in 2003, and it’s been around in one form or another since then. Older posts may occasionally get cleaned up to keep this blog fresh.

Over the past 25 years I've worked with companies of all sizes building solutions of all sizes and for the past year have been focusing on AI automation and implemention as well as working heavily with JavaScript / Node.js (React, Astro, Htmx, Alpine.js, Remix, Next.js, Vue, Nuxt), and headless integration such as Directus, Strapi, Sanity, and Shopify, so you’ll see some posts about all of these on here, as well as a variety of other topics.

Additional Projects

  • I built Chef Brainy, an AI powered recipe generator, give it some ingredients, a cooking style, number of servings, even choose a favorite chef and it will generate a recipe for you.
  • I also blog at Coded Geekery, which is a slightly longer form, sometimes more opinionated blog where I share coding tips as well as other useful information.
  • I wrote the Twilio Cookbook for Pakt Publishing (And the second edition too).
  • I wrote Real-Time Twilio and Flybase for apress.
  • I built flybase.io, a real-time backend database platform.


This site is currently running on Astro with Directus acting as a headless CMS and hosted on Vercel. For client-side interactions, it uses a mixture of htmx, Alpine.js and plain vanilla Javascript.

All posts and pages are written in markdown.

I use VS Code for all my coding / writing and iTerm2 / zsh (https://ohmyz.sh/) for my terminal work.


If you like what I build, or what I write and share or else just want to show some support for an indie developer, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub ❤️.

Thank you


Sometimes, I'll post affiliate links on this site. That means that if you sign up or purchase something I’ve recommended after clicking the link, I’ll make a little bit of money. The presence of an affiliate link does not increase the price you pay for an item, but in some cases it gives you a discount or bonus.

I use every product I recommend unless I’ve noted otherwise.

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