
Roger Stringer Roger Stringer
May 29, 2024
3 min read

I grew up in Newfoundland where we eat a lot of British food, one of my favorites was this slightly spicy British mustard pickle / veggie relish called Piccalilli. When I moved to the west coast, we used to be able to find it easily but it's gotten more difficult in recent years, so after a craving, I decided to make my own.


I also freely admit that the word itself is fun to say so that could also be a draw to why I like this dish. 🤷

What You Need

  • 500g cauliflower, cut into small florets
  • 200g courgette, cut into small chunks
  • 100g green beans or French beans, trimmed and cut into small pieces
  • 200g shallots, peeled and cut into small chunks or pearl onions, peeled and left whole or halved
  • 600ml malt vinegar
  • 3 tbsp mustard powder
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds
  • 2 tbsp black or yellow mustard seeds
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 4 tbsp plain flour
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 2 bay leaves

How to Make It

  1. Put the veggies in a bowl and toss with 2 tbsp sea salt. Leave, covered at room temperature, for 4 hrs. Drain the veg and wash well under cold water. Drain well.
  2. Put 100ml of the vinegar in a bowl with the mustard powder, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, cumin, turmeric and flour. Mix well to make a paste.
  3. Heat the remaining 500ml vinegar, sugar, bay leaves and a pinch of salt until the sugar dissolves, then pour in the mustard vinegar mix, simmering and stirring for 5 mins until the mixture thickens.
  4. Pour in the drained veggies, heat for 1 min taking the edge off the veggies, but still retaining a bite, then remove from the heat, and pack into three 500ml warm sterilized jars.
  5. Seal and leave in a cool dark spot for six weeks or up to three months before opening. Once open, keep in the fridge and use within four weeks.

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