Microsoft Is Worth as Much as Apple. How Did That Happen?

Roger Stringer Roger Stringer
November 29, 2018
2 min read

New York Times:

Just a few years ago, Microsoft was seen as a lumbering has-been of the technology world.

It was big and still quite profitable, but the company had lost its luster, failing or trailing in the markets of the future like mobile, search, online advertising and cloud computing. Its stock price languished, inching up 3 percent in the decade through the end of 2012.

It’s a very different story today. Microsoft is running neck and neck with Apple for the title of the world’s most valuable company, both worth more than $850 billion, thanks to a stock price that has climbed 30 percent over the last 12 months.

So what happened?

Ever since Satya Nadella came on board in 2014, Microsoft has been following his vision for the company, they’ve re-invented themselves by dumping a lot of stuff that didn’t work and focusing on what did and the end result is a new Microsoft.

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