Deno Sets out to Challenge Node.js

Roger Stringer Roger Stringer
August 19, 2022
3 min read

Jessica Wachtel, for The New Stack:

If Deno is the answer to Node.js's problems, then why hasn't it caught fire yet?

Ryan Dahl wrote Deno as the solution to the problems he saw in his previous creation Node.js. The problems as Dahl saw it were a poorly designed module system, security issues, and the package manager could be replaced with a standard URL-based linking system.

Deno, launched in 2020, is a new runtime for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly. It is built on the Rust programming language run by the V8 engine. Deno attempts to provide a standalone tool for quickly scripting complex functionality.

Deno has a similar purpose to Node.js, which is the standard web service workflow of providing services to client-side applications (serving files, furnishing APIs, acting as a data aggregator, etc..). Perhaps, as a result, Deno is slow to gain traction.


Deno Deploy, Deno's hosting division, is the answer to that. Deno released Deno Deploy last year and is still iterating on this “cloud service for hosting JavaScript servers.” The company's own documentation notes that “by repurposing web browser technology for server software, we aim to accelerate a new generation of extreme low-latency edge applications.” Even redirects right to Deno Deploy.


In addition to Deno Deploy, Deno released its own frontend framework, Fresh in late June of this year to compete with the numerous frameworks that work with Node.js out of the box. Fresh is based on the Preact Virtual Document Object Model (DOM), and supports Typescript out of the box.

It's going to be very interesting following this technology over the next few months as this one should be making some big moves as time goes on.

I use Deno heavily along with Fresh, both work well so yes, it is going to be interesting to watch.

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