Chili Lime Broiled Avocado

Roger Stringer Roger Stringer
June 05, 2016
1 min read

Avocadoes… the things you can make with them are incredible or just slice them and eat them as is.

This is a fun recipe that is pretty basic, but tasty.

What you need:

  • 1 Avocado (pitted)
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • 1 Lime (juiced)
  • 1/2 tsp Chili powder
  • Sea salt (to taste)

How to Make it:

  1. Preheat oven to high heat.
  2. Drizzle the avocado halves with the honey and lime juice.
  3. Lay on a baking sheet and broil for 5-6 minutes, until avocado flesh begins to blister.
  4. Remove from oven and sprinkle with chili powder and salt. Serve warm.

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