Amazon acquires Fig, a startup building autocomplete for the command line

Roger Stringer Roger Stringer
August 29, 2023
2 min read

Brendan Falk, CEO and co-founder of Fig:

Fig and AWS share a passion for improved developer tools and services. By combining Fig's expertise with AWS' long-term orientation and track record of delivering customer-centric products, we see an opportunity to enhance the developer experience. AWS believes that generative AI represents a major technological shift to transform the way its customers build, and we are beyond excited to be a part of that larger vision.

What's happening to Fig's product?

Existing users will continue to be able to use Fig and will receive ongoing support. What's more, we are now making all the paid Fig Team features completely free. New users will not be able to sign up for Fig's products right now while we focus on optimizing them for existing customers and addressing some needs identified to integrate Fig with AWS. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on our work with AWS, we will release a signup link in the coming weeks!

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